Sound Designer & Filmmaker with an ear toward unique environments and an eye toward how people interact with them

Sounds & Images

I love bringing images to life with sound, and giving moving images more of a personality. I’m particularly fascinated with the level of depth sound design brings to animation, and the amount of engagement that provides the audience.

Experimental Film

Experimental film allows me the opportunity to explore an audio visual relationship more abstractly to create a wholly new experience.

I originally made these images back in 2009 by hand painting, scratching, hole punching, or otherwise physically manipulating footage that I shot/found on 8mm and 16mm film. I then filmed the projected footage directly off of the screen with a SD video camera to digitize it with added video textures. Since the film was projected at both 18 and 24 FPS and the video camera recorded at 30 FPS, it created a myriad of new "flawed" images with double exposed frames, discoloration, and an uneven flicker that is impossible to recreate.

I then edited the new warped footage to represent the kind of dream where your mind teeters on the edge of consciousness and your thoughts are scattered and incomplete. In January 2022 I found the video on an old hardrive and decided to deconstruct and reassemble it as well as score a much needed new soundtrack to better track with the images. The result is my experimental video-film of over 10 years in the making.

Ambient & Environmental Music

I’m most interested in music you can “see”. Under either my own name or the pseudonym Continental Cousins I use a combination of electronic sounds and field recordings to make music that try and provoke images for the imagination or that can blend into an existing environment and daily activities.

Often an interesting location or unique environment serves as my main inspiration. Of these two albums, “Pillars” consists of four ambient pieces inspired by San Francisco’s historic Pier 70, and “Green Haus” is an audio collage of the Yucca Valley desert.


Audio Visual Experiments

Japan is an endless source of inspiration for me both visually and sonically. With these street-videography short films I aimed to invoke a sense of place. All video, sound, and music created by me.